Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Walk For The Cure

I'm a little late on posting these. We did this walk a week ago. Our team raised $3,390.00 towards the Cure for Juvenile Diabetes!!! Here are some pics from our walk:

My son and my friend Valer-pea's sons (the younger one was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes a year and a half ago)

Here is me and my mom. Isn't she cute? She just retired a few weeks ago.... I'm so looking forward to spending a lot more time with her!

Here's me during the walk:

Here's the kids again, I love this picture!

Here is "TEAM TYLER"

Here is me and Valer-pea....this should've been a headshot...If i'd known her hubby was taking it from the waist up I'd have had better posture!!!

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