Tuesday, June 28, 2005

FINALLY got some SCRAPPIN' Done!!!!!

This weekend I was so excited, we went to my DH's r/c boat race and I packed up the RV with scrapbooking supplies and pictures. Did I get much scrappin done? Not really, but I did do a two page layout from LAST YEAR when my son got his hair hi-lighted. Every summer he gets it done (he thinks it makes him look cool, I happen to think he's cool whether he has the hilights or not but whatever). Well we went to
my hairplace and my friend says, when are you gonna show me the pics you scrapbooked from the last time I hilighted his hair, I had to tell her I haven't scrapped them yet, that's why you haven't seen them. So that was my goal for the weekend, to get
those pictures scrapped and to organize some scrappin' supplies in our motorhome for me to have when we're camping.

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