Thursday, April 19, 2007

Housekeeping Quiz....

here is a fun housekeeping quiz.

Aprons - Y/N? If yes, what does your favorite look like?

Yes. I have a few aprons. None of them are anything special. I have seen some online that I've been thinking about buying but haven't yet. =0)

Baking - Favorite thing to bake: Brownies

Clothesline - Y/N? I dont' have a clothes line but it's only because my back patio isn't very big. We have a nice big trellis in the back yard though that works perfectly for drying clothes...I just hang everything on hangers and hang them from the trellis.

Donuts - No, but my mom always did when I was growing up...they were the BEST!!!! I think I'll have to ask her for the recipe.

Every day - One homemaking thing you do every day: dishes!!!!

Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freeze? No but I have a 2nd refrigerator/freezer in the garage.

Garbage Disposal - Y/N? Yes.

Handbook - Martha Stewart Homekeeping Handbook

Ironing - Love it or Hate it? I don't mind ironing but we rearely need something to be ironed in our house.

Junk Drawer - Y/N? Yes, several.

Kitchen - Color and decorating scheme? Light maple cabinets with light cream / taupe stone tile floors, and taupe walls with white crown moulding.

Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking? Lately, laundry and hang drying everything, it smells so good!

Mop - Y/N? Yes

Nylons - Nope...I live in Sunny California, usually am tan enough to go without!

Oven - Do you use the window or open the door to check?- I usually just open the door.

Pizza - What do you put on yours?- depends on what we have in the fridge.

Quiet - Read or just sit and listen and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Recipe card box - Y/N? Y What does it look like? I have a cute recipe box I got from Gooseberry Patch. I use it for my recipe club recipes. I also have a bunch of cookbooks.

Style of house - What is the style of your house? It's very small, we've added onto the house because we needed more room (which is why our back patio is small). I wouls say my style is casual / modern. Very neutral tones in the house, lots of taupe, browns, creams, earthy tones.

Tablecloths and napkins - Y/N? Depends. Usually I like to see the wood tabletop so I use decorative placemats but sometimes for special occasions I use tableclothes and napkins.

Under the kitchen sink - organized in the front (stuff I use regularly) kinda scary in the back!!

Vacuum - Yes

Wash - How many loads of laundry do you do per week? 4 0r 5, I should do much more though we have a LOT of clothes!!!

X's - Do you keep a list of things to do that you cross off?Always! Lists make me feel like I am accomplishing things. Plus if I don't write things down, I will forget. Sometimes I even forget where I put the list!!!!

Yard - Y/N? Who does what? My husband and I aren't so good at keeping things alive so we have a gardener.

Zzz's - Clean up the dishes from dinner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Will have to copy this and try it out on my blog....