Monday, June 4, 2007

Roller Coaster of Emotions.....

The past week and a half has been an emotional roller coaster. I found out I was pregnant, immediately started doing bloodwork to test my hcg levels (I'm high risk for ectopic pregnancies) went through the ups and downs of my hcg numbers. Analyzed them every two days, is my number what is should be for how far along I am? Did my number double in 48 hours like it should in a normal pregnancy? Is my number going to go up, or is it going to go down? Will it be a normal pregnancy? Will I miscarry? Will it be ectopic? Getting ultrasounds to see if they see something in the uterus. All this has been so stressful, yet I will keep going through it til I have my little baby that I want so bad!!!!! They confirmed that I have an ectopic pregnancy last week. I had to go in and get methotrexate shots (used for cancer patient chemo treatments) which will stop the cells from multiplying and cause me to miscarry. If I just let it keep going, I could rupture another fallopian tube and then I will not be able to get pregnant ever on my own (I only have one tube now as it is). It was a very rough weekend. Friday was awful, felt like I was in labor. I'm doing better today, just still very tired from everything I've gone through physically and emotionally. Hopefully my hcg test will come back with a lower number today and will continue to go down to that of a non-pregnant person so I can be done with this and move on.

I am going to keep trying to get pregnant but I am also thinking seriously about starting to look into adoption as well and whatever happens first will be meant to be for our family.

Thanks for listening.....


Unknown said...

(((Hugs))) and love comin' your way girlie! You are in our prayers!!

Monica said...

I am so sorry. We have some close friends that went through this several times and I remember how heartbreaking it was for them. ((hugs))

SuburbanMom said...

I'm so sorry :( Sending you a big hug...

Jill said...

Many ((((((hugs)))))). :-(