My BFF Valerie had a list like this on her blog and it inspired me to write my own:
In honor of the first day of fall- a list of things that make me happy!
A fully-stocked refrigerator. **I'm gonna have to agree with Valerie on this one!
A cozy pair of fuzzy slippers
New pjs
Flannel sheets for my bed
A freshly made bed (and slipping into bed right after the sheets are out of the dryer still smelling like fabric softer!!!!!!)
The start of my favorite TV shows
New sheet music for the piano
Lighting lots of candles in my house when it's cold outside (I don't have a firepalce so this is the next best thing!)
My new necklace from
Random Acts of Acts of Kindness.
Decorating my house for fall
Working on crafts (I seem to get more in the mood as the weather gets yuckier)
Taking long hot bubble baths
Sleepytime Tea
Reading a good book (I just finished a great one - scroll down in my posts!)
Cooking dinner in my crock pot
Chicken & Waffles (YUMMO!!)
Reading my BFF's blog and catching up on what her and the family have been up to!