Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Strollin' down memory lane

Tonight started off bad, my DH decided he wanted to work on cleaning out our garage. We have accumulated so much crap over 9 1/2 years it's not even funny. He brought his hoopty pick up truck home from work and backed it into our driveway so we could load it up to take to the dumps. Me being the brilliant person that I *think* I am, I grab the biggest stuff I can find to throw away so that the truck is full, thus my job is done.....right? WRONG! My son's Best Friend from 3 houses down has a Coo-Koo older brother who came over and asked if he could have most of the junk we were throwing away. Don't ask me why, he wanted EVERYTHING!!!! Even my old patio cushions, he put them in his car to make the seats more comfy. can you say GHETTO?!?!?!?! So back I went into my garage to find some stuff my neighbor couldn't possibly want so that I could quickly fill up our truck and spend the rest of my evening took a while but we finally did it. Now comes the good part...

So my DH and I are going through this old box that's been sitting on a shelf since we moved into our house and it's a bunch of old cassette tapes (for you youngsters cassette tapes are how we listened to music before CDs and MP3s). We are talking OLD cassettes.....for your entertainment, I'll name a few....Guy, Brandy (her first album), Freddie Jackson, Levert, Stevie B., - do I want to admit this one?? okay....I'll abbreviate NKOTB, Boyz II Men, NWA, X-Clan, Black Sheep, Luther Vandross (I definitely had to keep that one! RIP LUTHER!), SWV, AMG, KSOL radio mixes (you bay area peeps will know what I'm talkin' about), this is just to name a few. THen there were dedication tapes that I had made for my boyfriend now husband.
And the best of old tape from my husband's answering machine when we first started going out, of me and my friend rapping, YES RAPPING on his answering machine. I grabbed that tape out the box and with an oh "HELL TO THA NO!" I was in my car, putting the tape in the cassette player (still not sure why my car came with one of those, who listens to tapes anymore anyways?) - apparantely me. And next thing I know there's me and my friend rappin' and saying things like Yeah BOYEE!!


k said...

Great story! Nice flash from the past huh?

MarylandMommy said...

Hilarious story!!!! NKOTB.....what a hoot! Haven't even heard their name lately!!! Thanks for the laugh! Great blog!

SuburbanMom said...

So funny - that was great.