Monday, January 8, 2007

My day...

Nothing too exciting happened today. Dropped my son and the neighbor's kid off at school and then headed to the grocery store to buy ingredients to make some recipes in my bread machine manual.

Got home, started the food dehydrator with all my jerky meat (it's 7:30pm and the stuff is still drying and probably has another hour or two to go). Made banana nut bread, and just finished a loaf of white bread for my friend who lent me her food dehydrator.

Went to the school to drop off a snack and basketball shoes to my son and then came back to the school to watch the school's basketball game. It was a really exciting game. They played against a really good team but won in the end 28 to 27!!!!! My son only got to play in the 2nd quarter but he scored 4 points that quarter. I am so proud of him!!!!! I'd post pics but it has the school name on their jerseys - for security reasons I'll just write about it. =0)

Anyways...came home, made a quick dinner (if you've never had it, the Harris Ranch Pot Roasts from Costco and their instant mashed potatoes taste like homemade!!!! - that's what we had for dinner, yum!)

Took leftovers to my neighbor next door (we always do that for each other - if one of us brings a dish next door, when the other returns the tupperware it's got another yummy dinner or dessert in it!).

Well I'm going to go get some laundry done and get ready for bed, I haven't slept much lately and I think I'll turn in early. Good Night!

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