Wednesday, August 17, 2005


My family and I just got back from a week long camping trip to EAGLE LAKE.
We were so excited to go and join some of our other friends and their families
who have been going to this lake for years and talking about how great it is.

We got there (after 6 hours of driving) and were pretty tired. My DH had to get up at 5am to go fishing with the rest of the guys so we decided to get a good night's sleep. Good idea, except I had one little problem that turned into a big problem.
Right at the exact moment I laid my head down on my pillow, a bug flew into my ear and wouldn't come back out. I'm grabbing my ear yelling,"There's a bug in my ear!!!!!!" DH is like "are you sure"? I'm hitting the side of my head frantically hoping to knock the darn thing out (don't ask me why I thought hitting my head would help the situation any, but I was not thinking straight at that point).
I go into the bathroom and have my DH try to pour some bottled water into my ear thinking maybe it will drown the little sucker. It doesn't work and just makes my ear even more uncomfortable from the cold water. We wait to see if he stops flying (of course I refer to this bug as a "HE" because a female would not do something so annoying!!)...there's no movement for a minute and then all of a sudden I hear wings flapping like crazy and I yell "DID YOU HEAR THAT?????????????!!!!!!!" My DH is like "I can't hear it stupid, it's in YOUR ear!!!!!" This thing sound like a 747 inside my was awful!!!!! At the time I thought it was a moth or something. So my DH is using a q-tip trying to dig it out of my ear, while shining a flashlight inside my ear, he can't see anything so he says maybe you just thought it flew in your ear and are hearing things....right then it starts flying again and I'm yelling and screaming "GET IT OUT!!!! GET IT OUT!!!!!!"....We had no luck and were both getting tired so we try and lie down to get some sleep since my husband has to be up early in the morning. The bug stops flying long enough for me to fall asleep and then I hear the wings flapping again and it startles me and I'm accidentally punching my husband saying "What was that?" THen I realize it's my litte bug friend in my ear still trying to find his way out. I decide I will shine a flash light (bugs are attracted to light right???) and he will follow the light and will fly his way out of my ear. NO LUCK. Finally about 6:30am I can't take it anymore, I walk out of my motorhome in my pink ducky flannel pajamas ( i could care less who sees me in my pjs at this moment) and I go knock on my friend PEggy's RV door (Peggy is about 25 years older than me and far wiser and surely will know what to do in this horrific situation). I say "Peg! I dunno what to do, there's a bug flying inside my ear and he won't come out!!!!". She has me come in, and gets herself a cup of coffee nad tries to analyze the situation and figure out what our first step will be. We try having me drink some hot tea and holding it at the back of my mouth while plugging my nose hoping it will steam the little bugger out. It doesn't work. So....she decides we will move on to plan B. She has me lie down on the bed on my side with the ear that's hurting facing up and she pours mineral oil into my ear and I lie there for 30 mins. She's hoping that the oil will stop the bug from flying cause his wings will get heavy and sticky. We wait....30 mins go by, no flying....She then has me lie on my back for another 15 mins and we realize still no flying...yeah!!!! We have no drown the dirty b&^tard!!!! Not sure what ever happened to the little guy, I"m just soooo happy he is no longer flying inside my ear...that was the worst thing ever!!!!Of course being the scrapbookers that Peg and I are, we had to have me pose with the mineral oil bottle and a few other props and take pictures to remember this horrible event....I can laugh at it now, but at the time it really was horrible. If you ever go camping, PLEASE check your pillow before you lie down, better yet, shove cotton balls in your ears before sleeping, that's what I did for the rest of the trip....I'm not taking chances!!!!! BTW- when we got back, we looked up bug in ear online and my friend actually advised me to do the right thing, mineral oil was the advice the online medical site gave. I think I will still call the Dr's office and have them check my ear out just to be safe....

Thanks for listening to my crazy camping story! The rest of the trip was relaxing and enjoyable!!!!!


SuburbanMom said...

oh my gosh! that is the worst story every. I would have freaked.

But I'm glad the rest of your trip was relaxing :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a good time (other than the bugs). I'm heading out camping this weekend, I hope there aren't any bug mishaps.