Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Our get together with friends....

Usually on Xmas Eve we go to my friend Noel's mom's house for dinner and to exchange gifts. We've been friends for years and our kids have all grown up together so we're all like family. Well Noel's mom Noriko suffered a mild stroke earlier this year and wasn't up to entertaining so this year it was at Noel's house. Since she lives kind of far and we didn't want to drive too far on xmas eve we invited them over to our house a few nights earlier to eat and exchange gifts. It was also nice because for me it kept my mind off the fact that it was the anniversary of my dad's passing away.

Here are some pictures from our evening:


Our table (yes that bright light is my DH's 450 gallon salt water aquarium in the background)

Noel & Matt:

Me and my DH:

Me and Noel:

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