Friday, October 6, 2006

Dear Tooth Fairy......

This has been a rough week at the mesogoofy household. My son went to a bday party on Sunday, and was eating hot wings. He didn't know there were bones in hot wings so he bit and chewed it as if it were boneless...right on a tooth that needed a filling. The tooth broke and he didn't mention anything to me about it until that night. I told him we'd make a dentist appointment and get it fixed. Well the next day, he calls me from school and says can I come pick him up, his tooth really hurts.

So I go pick him up, he's crying from the pain. We go home and I call the dentist. This particular dentist we don't have dental insurance for, but I know my son, and I know how scared he is of going to the dentist and I'm willing to pay full price for him to see this denstist because he is really gentle and caring and if I could, I would still go to him (not to mention my DH fixed his wife's car a while back and we had a little bit of a credit at his dentist office). =0)

Anyways, we went to the dentist, and he spent 2 1/2 hours there, numbing my son, showing him the tools, letting him know there would be NO surprises. Even gave him this alligator that makes a clicking noise so you can let the dentist know to slow down or stop. (my son was very nervous). We tried to even use a little bit of laughing gas and he didn't like how it made him feel so they turned that off. By the time the dr. was starting to pull the tooth, my son said he wanted to go home (which the dr. had given the option that we could stop at any time if he didn't feel he could go through with it) - Thanks Doc! So my son made that choice, we're going home.

We went home, I told him we're going to have to go through the numbing process all over again the next day. I kept him home from school the next day and we went in to another dentist. This guys was really good, very nice and I liked how he talked with my son trying to reassure him. The assistant on the other hand I did not like. While the dr. is numbing my son, the assistant guy is making small talk with me and my mom (my mom drove down to the appt. for moral support!), he's mentioning my son will need ortho (braces) I'm thinking uh, yeah, can you not mention anything else he needs done right now? This is about all we can handle! Then he starts talking about the amish shootings, the kids that got killed in school. Um excuse me, my son is 11 years old, completely terrified right now, and you're talking about kids getting shot in school!!! Finally when the assistant walked away I mentioned to the dr. if he could ask the guy to not talk about stuff like that in front of my son, he was like I know I was trying to change the subject to something happier and he wasn't getting the hint. So he told the guy to switch with another girl becuase we needed a lighter touch. The lady that switched with him was much better and cracking jokes with my son and keeping him calm and as relaxed as you can be while someone is yanking out your tooth. It was a rough two days, I felt horrible to see my son crying and wanting them to stop but the tooth was damaged beyond repair and had to come out, as it was causing him pain. He was a bit shaken up for a few hours after that but later seemed okay enough to drive to target and buy a video game (okay maybe I shouldn't have done that but I felt so bad for all he had to go through and he had been such a trooper through everything, so we promised him a video game). He also scored quite a bit of $ from the tooth fairy for that tooth...that thing had 3 roots!!! The dr. said usually the 3rd root disinegrates but this one hadn't. So it made it harder to get the tooth out.

Well a day later, my son's other tooth came out. He's been trying to wiggle it out for months and months now, cause the adult tooth was growing in front of it. He got it out and was so happy. I just kept thinking man, I'm tired, and I have to stay up til I know he's asleep so the tooth fairy can come. YES, my son is almost 12 and still believes in the tooth fairy!.... Anyways...I finally went in his room to do the switch, reached under his pillow and placed the $, didn't find the tooth though, and it was tricky because he had BOTH hands under his pillow while he slept. I went to the other side of his bed, and found the ziploc bag with the tooth in it but he had this KUNG FU grip on the ziploc. I kinda nudged him and said Miso (our dog) wants to sleep with you, he rolled over and cuddled with the dog and I grabbed the ziploc. Got to my room thinking "Phew, home free!" I look down and I find this post-it note stuck to the zip-loc:

CRAP! I had to sneak back into his room and put the ziploc back under his pillow.
I did it but I was sweating bullets he would catch me!!!!! Luckily he didn't.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh you're a GOOD tooth fairy! The tooth fairy around here tends to be forgetful & really balks at those "can I keep my tooth?" requests too. :-)