Saturday, October 7, 2006

Dinner with friends......

Today I accomplished a lot. I've been wanting to clean off my desk as it has gotten very cluttered with mail I needed to go through, magazines / catalogs I needed to go through, etc. I finally went through everything, created file folders for on top of my desk of pending stuff (bills, school paperwork, taxes for our business, etc). This will make it much easier to find if I can just stick to this system, I think I'll be allright!

I also ordered a bunch of stuff from Pottery Barn that I've been wanting. I ordered the Bedford Home Office Lazy Susan, Caddy and Paper Trays in black to match with my wall organization system (that is the best purchase I ever made from PB - I love having a big calendar up on the wall of 2 months, and a bulletin board, chalk board and in keeps me pretty on top of all our busy schedules).

I also ordered my daybed cover in Montgomery Stripe. There's this bed I love in the PB catalog. It's a daybed that has 3 basket cubbies underneath. I'm having the bed made in the same maple wood as my scrapbook room desk / cabinets so everything will match. But I love the bedding PB has on this bed in their catalog so I bought the daybed cover, matching pillows, quilt, quilted shams and some of the cardinal red fabric by the yard to make some extra throw pillows and a valance. I just realized you'll get a better idea of what I'm talking about if I just post a picture here.

This is the bed, it will look just like this except the bed is in maple and the baskets are darker black and brown wicker. The walls will be a taupe color with black and white accents. I have 2 of those mantle bookshelves in black which I'll hang on the wall, and I bought letters that spell out FAMILY at michaels and spray painted them black to sit on the shelves. Not sure if that will be too much black, will have to see.

Here are the desk accessories I got for my den:

My husband got home from work early today. NOw usually I would be very happy about this as he works 6 days a week and it's nice to get that extra family time, but I know when he gets home earlier than usual it means business was slow which is not good. We all got ready and drove to Antioch to our friend's house for a bbq. They have a house that backs up to a little lake. There were 3 other families there that we know from our r/c boat racing community so it was nice to visit with everyone. Our kids had a great time riding around on the lake in a paddle boat and fishing though they didn't catch anything tonight. (this is where my son caught his first fish which I always remember when we go there!) We had a nice dinner, and left around 8pm as I didn't want to get home too late. My son, mom and I are participating in a Walk for the Cure for Juvenile Diabetes tomorrow and need to be up early.

On that note, I think I will call it a night. Will post more tomorrow after our walk!

Good night!

1 comment:

SuburbanMom said...

Ack! you crazy girl, I love all your stuff! That's so funny....b/c I was just thinking about day beds...I was wondering if one would go in our living room :O

I love the desk accessories - I'm in the process (still in the process) of fixing up my desk area....

I love all your crafts! I commented down below. Did you see my post of my halloween decorations?

My next big project is painting furniture - but I need to figure out exactly *how* to do it :)