Friday, November 10, 2006

My Best Friend.....

My best friend moved away this week. She left Sunday for the long drive from California to Ilinois. They are now at their new home and I'm very happy for her and her family, but I miss her so much. We're used to talking to each other every morning after we drop off the kids to school and throughout the day. Her husband is off from work for a few weeks til his new job starts and then I think it will get back more into a routine and she'll have more time to talk. It's so weird though not being able to talk to her whenever. =0(


SuburbanMom said...

OMG! that sucks about your car. I can't believe that.

How close are you to Oakland? Poppy Fabric is on Broadway, fairly close to the 24. But I like Stone Mountain better which is in Berkeley on Shattuck.

mesogoofy2 said...

I'm in Fremont. Probably 15 mins to Oakland